You’ll go into Strasbourg Cathedral, where your guide will present this masterpiece of Gothic art to you. It is famous as much for its Astronomical Clock as for its statuary, organs, pulpit and exceptional collection of stained-glass windows.
Next, you’ll discover the historic district of Strasbourg as you follow your guide through the old pedestrian areas, around the cathedral and through the Petite France quarter. On this tour, you’ll admire Maison Kammerzell, Place Gutenberg, St Thomas’ Church, the old tanners’ houses, the Covered Bridges (Ponts Couverts) and the Vauban Dam (Barrage Vauban), the former customs house (Ancienne Douane), the old slaughterhouse (Ancienne Boucherie), Place du Château with the Œuvre Notre-Dame Museum and Palais Rohan.
In order to respect the tranquillity of the church, during guided tours of the interior, visitors must wear headsets and their guide must use a microphone. This equipment can be rented from Batorama – 18 place de la Cathédrale – – tel. +33 (0)3 69 74 44 04 – (to be booked by yourself in advance and pick up before the tour).
Rental per person: €1.90 for 1 hour, €2.40 for 2 hours and €3.50 for 3 hours.
Cancellation conditions: any cancellation of a visit must reach us by email ( more than 72 hours before the scheduled time of the visit to obtain a refund. If the group does not come or is canceled less than 72 hours before the scheduled time of the visit, no refund will be made.
17 place de la Cathédrale
+33 3 88 52 28 28
Tous les jours de 9h à 19h